I'm currently building Formation Bio with an amazing team. Our mission is to bring treatments to patients faster and more efficiently by reimagining what it means to be a pharma company.

I run Foundation 649, a college scholarship for AAPI students.

I enjoy photography - here are some shots from a trip to Nepal, and some portraits of my friends:
Evan and Stephanie
Jason and Casey: Point Reyes | City Hall
Will and Jenna
Doulos and Felicia

Some of my favorite reads:

The Peregrine (Baker)
Survival in Auschwitz (Levi)
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous (Vuong)
anyone lived in a pretty how town (Poem, Cummings)
The Death of Ivan Ilych (Tolstoy)
The Wanderer (Exeter Book)
How Do You Live? (Genzaburo)
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea (Mishima)
The Bell Jar (Plath)
Strangers Drowning (MacFarquhar)
Shantung Compound (Gilkey)
The Story of a Head That Fell Off (Akutagawa)

I love meeting builders, creators, and writers. DM me if you want to chat.
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